FingersClix Forum


Started by philopek 2019-06-22 at 13:35
1 replies to this topic
Posts: 10

a) currently it's not possible to upgrade

b) "a" means we can withdraw only with points (many points though)

c) there is no way to earn those points within reasonable time hence in fact:

d) withdrawal is not possible, only theoretically and for those with sufficient points that means
. months of work simply to earn what i already earned.

e) we both know what that matter of factly means, you pay if we fulfil the requirements but it's only possible to
. meet requirements with extraordinary and out of question efforts ( 1cent per hour is not a salary, it's theft)

so i ask you kindly to change something even though you can certainly imagine how this looks, but hope dies last
i'll be back once a week to check whether something has changed or until the site is off-line.

Posts: 32
The site plans have changed and will no longer be an investors platform. All income sources will come from external sources only. This means also cashout points will eventually disappear as well, but not yet.

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