FingersClix Forum

All Payza funds seized by the US Government! SOLVED!

Started by agony554 2018-03-21 at 22:01
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Posts: 32
Dear members,

Today the US Government seized and froze all funds with Payza.

If this means Payza will disappear for ever is not clear to anyone yet. There is no news or info on what currently is going on with Payza other then in the links provided.

For now we have disabled Payza for adding funds, purchases and withdrawals till Payza is able to resolve the legal issues.

What this exactly means for Payza depositors is at this point not clear untill Payza solves their problem first. We can't login into our Payza account as well. But very few people still can.

UPDATE: Payza resumed activities from their new domain and did update their they will not seize their activities for everyone, but not for the US. Currently Payza is still working to get their service fully opperational, till this time we can accept Payza funds, but sending still does not work.

SOLVED: Payza is now also open for withdrawals as well.

- agony554
« Last Edit: 2018-03-23 at 00:17 by Admin »

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